Surrogacy for Single Men in UK: The Legal Complications!

The situation in regards to surrogacy for single men in UK is not that favorable in comparison to surrogacy options for other individuals. As per the rules, a single men must employ a surrogate in order to conceive a child; he will either use the surrogate's ovum and sperm or she will carry an embryo made from his sperm and donated egg. Therefore, the two most pertinent pieces of legislation governing the subject will be the Surrogacy Arrangements Act 1985 and the HFE Act 1990 (as revised by the HFEA 2008). Both of these Acts do not specifically name single men as a distinct group of patients. What HFEA says about surrogacy for single men in UK? The Human Fertilization and Embryology Act of 1990 have never restricted access to ARTs for single people. The Act and the 8th Code of Practice for the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority use the terms "woman," "couple," and "individual," with the latter allowing single men to seek treatment. The HFE A...